Choose from over 500 materials, drag and drop to speed up the next project of you.Create excellent material that looks exactly like the real thing.

Rendered content ready for VR for the virtual reality headset popular.Simply lighting the scene of a HDR image (high dynamic range) only of the environment.Rendered any kind of light natural or artificial, with many types of integrated lighting.Rendered images the actual room and furniture with global light, strong and fast.Automatically remove noise and cut down on the time the output to 50%.V-Ray Next for SketchUp - tools for architects & designers Features of V-Ray Next for SketchUp You can use it to create everything - from 3D diagrams to high-quality images - ability depending on you. V-Ray Next for SketchUp is very easy to use and brings great results.

Use V-Ray for SketchUp, you can also have access to over 600 documents actual photo, drag and drop.

V-Ray Next for SketchUp is the tool of Chaos Group for Windows PC, this is a lighting tool and as a professional for architects & designers.V-Ray Next for SketchUp allows you to export everything and everything - from the design models to the 3D scene details most of you. Download V-Ray 6 - A lighting tool and as a professional for architects & designers of Chaos Group V-Ray: